Application training - successful application
Our application training teaches you how to stay ahead of your competitors. A well prepared application increases your chances of getting the right position. When you walk into a job interview, you should be self-confident and well prepared.
Training topics:
- What sources of information can I use in my job search?
What advertising medium is the most promising for me?
How do I interpret job advertisements?
- Where are my personal strengths and weaknesses?
What does my qualifications profile look like?
- What must I consider when writing my application?
How do I write a comprehensive cover letter?
What goes into my CV?
What does my reference actually say about me?
- Job interview - role play
How do I prepare?
Which questions should I expect?
How do I actively contribute to the interview?
How do I emphasize my personal strengths?
- Individual consultation to develop your personal application strategy
Time involved:
- approx. 7 hours
1. day: 6pm - 9pm
2. day: 1pm - 5pm
Individual appointments are possible
If you are interested, we also offer the option of a full-time training session on a Saturday.
Place and time:
- arranged by appointment
If you wish to have more information about our application training, please contact us.